Monday, September 20, 2010

The Last Post.

This book is really good. I would recommend anyone to read it. It's probably one of Sparks' best books. Even though the movie had Miley Cyrus in it I cannot say anything bad about the book. Yes it may have been a bit confusing but it was really good. So please do read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. You definitely will not regret it. I'm sorry that I could not finish the blogs but if you want to know what happens in the end just ask:)

Part 10 (Chapters 21-24)

Will's home
   Ronnie had decided that she could get used to the lavish lifestyle that Will had. They spent the next day swimming at his house. After they went to the ice cream shop and they ran into Marcus and his cronies. He grabbed Ronnie and she yelled at him to let her go and so did Will. Marcus brought up the Scott thing so Will just left him alone. He also announced that Ronnie was going to court to on Tuesday. Ronnie told Will the story and he believed her. Ronnie asked Will what was happening with Scott and Marcus and Will just changed the subject. He asked why the piano was behind the plywood and she told that she told her dad to hide it. She told him everything about the piano and how good she was. She could go to Juilliard if she wanted. They had only known each other for a couple of days and yet they were already in love. Typical. Love takes time. Not days...
   Marcus was having a party at a rental home 2 house down from Ronnie's and he could see her and Will together and he got angry. He had one party a year like this. They broke into a rental home and trashed the place and then they left. Marcus was also a pyromaniac and wanted to set fire to something he was so mad. He decided he was better off without her until he could break Will down. Marcus needs to be ended!
   Will thought summer was passing to quickly. He was either working or with Ronnie. They had become part of each other in a way. She didn't let him go to the court hearing but he surprised her with flowers after. The charges hadn't been dropped either. Ronnie got a part time job at the aquarium. They talked about everything and they never got tired of it. Scott was still mad that Will was spending so much time with Ronnie. Ronnie was right about Wills mom not liking her though. One night in early August Will took Ronnie on a hunt for spider crabs. They ran into Scott, Ashley, and Cassie and Scott told him that they had a few days to practice because they were going to have scrimmages against some teams from the tournament. Ronnie tells him to do it. Will wants Ronnie to go to his sisters wedding with him and he also wants her to talk to Blaze again. They kiss for a little while and then they both leave.
   After Will left she went back inside and she thought about what he had said about talking to Blaze. Maybe it would help. She didn't want the charges to follow her for the rest of her life. Jonah had been spying on her and Will and he said it was gross. He's so adorable! Ronnie made Jonah hot dogs for dinner and then she went to the church where her dad was playing the piano. He played beautifully. He started coughing and she got concerned so she went over to him and asked him if he was alright. He said he was but she didn't believe him. I wouldn't either!

Part 9 (Chapters 17-20)

Beach Dune
   The next morning Ronnie woke up later than normal. She walked into the living room and Jonah was watching TV upside down. She asked him where there dad was and he was being a smart butt about it. He was outside with Pastor Harris and Officer Pete talking. They both left and Ronnie asked her dad if she would be allowed to go back home and he said no, that they would have to wait until after her court hearing. Ronnie went and sat on the dune by herself while her dad called her mom to tell her what had happened. She thought about Will and she wondered why she was even thinking of him. Her dad walked up behind her and she asked him if her mom was mad and he said a little. Which was a lie. My mom would be so mad at me if I got arrested! She asked her dad why he and her mom had split up and he told her. Then her dad told her to go and try to fix things with Will. That he was a good guy and she was happy with him. So Ronnie went to the brake shop and she didn't want to do it. She had had a lot of fun with Will and she didn't really want to lose that. He came toward her and he didnt seem angry or happy. His expression was unreadable. Ronnie told him what Ashley had said to her and he told her that it was a lie. She apologized and he forgave her. Then he kissed her. Of course. What kind of teen novel would this be without the hot boy kissing the odd ball girl. Geez. She wasn't sure why he liked her of all people but he did. When she got home she went and talked to her dad. He was outside making the stained glass window for the church. He told her to invite Will over for dinner.
   Later after work Will and Scott were playing volleyball. Scott kept calling Ronnie names and Will kept telling him to stop. He was defending her. How cute! Scott is still trying to get Will and Ashley back together but its not working. Then Ronnie came up after the game and talked to him and they left. She was in his truck and they were on their way to Wills house for him to change. She told him he didn't have to but he wanted to. When he got to this gate he pressed a remote on his visor and the gates opened. Ronnie had become very quiet.
   She thought the home was to extravegant. She was used to rich people but this was over the top. She realized when she got to the door that Wills dad not only owned one brake shop but a national chain of them. Man I would have been mad if he didn't tell me. When Will and Ronnie walked in Wills mom met then. Ronnie could tell that she didn't like her. Then Wills dad came in and he actually liked her. His name was Tom. He took her to look at his toy airplane. Will came out and got Ronnie to take her to eat with her family. After dinner Ronnie, Will, Steve, and Jonah played a game of poker. Will was just the kind of guy her mother wanted her to date. When the game was over Will and Ronnie went for a walk. Ok so he sounds uber adorable and sweet. Like I want one!!!
   Will loved the beach and everything about it. He and Ronnie walked barefoot through the surf. He came to the conclusion that he thought that Ronnia might be the girl he would marry. He could see himself with her for the rest of his life. Ronnie reminded him of his sister Megan. They both had very free spirits. They talked about his family and Ronnie talked about all the rich snobs in New York and how his family wasn't like that. He told her about how he was going to Vanderbilt in the fall. She noticed that he sounded reluctent about it. He told her about the bracelet he wore on his arm and how it represented his little brother, Mike, who had died. She ended up telling him that she played the piano when she was younger and that she didn't play anymore. Will showed her the real side of himself. Then he kissed her. Of course he kissed her again.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Part 8 (Chapters 13-16)

   Will is at work when Ronnie comes to find him. He greets her and she flips on him about not having the aquarium come put a cage on the nest. He went to her house and talked to her. She just argued with him. Poor guy. Can't win for losing. He decided he liked her. Like there was no doubt about it. That night after he got off of work he went to her house because he had decided that he was going to turtle-sit. They talk for a little while. They leave the nest for a little while and go for a walk. Neither of them really talked but it wasn't uncomfortable for them not to. When they got back Ronnie went inside while Will unpacked his truck. He had everything he needed to stay outside. The next morning Jonah spilled the beans that Will was the one who had told her dad and the officer that she had been at Bowers Point. She got mad of course. It seems like she gets mad at everything! He convinced her to go with him somewhere. He took her to the aquarium where he volunteered. What he really wanted to show her was the loggerhead turtle that the aquarium had rescued. After the aquarium he took her fishing. He told her what he did on the weekends and she told him what she did. They had very different lives. When she caught a fish she was upset cause she was afraid he would die so they had to throw him back in. They had loads of fun it seems like. A good ole' southern boy. How cute.
   Somehow Will had convinced Ronnie to come to his volleyball game. She usually wasn't that great a picking guys but Will seemed to be alright. Although she really didn't know why he liked her out of all the girls he could have had. Suddenly Wills ex, Ashley, showed up. She egged Ronnie on to think that she was just another girl on Wills list. Ronnie left the game and went home. She started packing when she got there because she wanted to leave. She couldn't though. Her dad told her she couldn't leave because of the pending charges. Will came to her house and tried to talk to her and she just slammed the door in his face. After that Ronnie helped her dad with dinner. Oh she's connecting with her dad!!!! Yay! After dinner she was trying to read but she was distracted by Will who was still sitting outside. Jonah couldn't ignore him though! Jonah bugged her until she finally went outside to talk to Will. She told him to leave but he wanted to know what had happened. He knew that Ashley had said something to her. When she didn't say anything he gave up and left. That's when Ronnie noticed the fireball down the beach. Marcus is such a creep!!!! And Ronnie needs to stay with Will. He's cool!
   Blaze wanted Marcus to go eat with her. Of course he didn't want to so he blew her off. He was sick of her and he wanted Ronnie. He started to walk down the beach and he lit a fireball. He headed toward Ronnie's house but when he got there Will was there too. Will walked off though and he knew Ronnie had seen him. She just stood there with defiance and he did not like all. Then she walked back inside. Marcus was really angry. Ok so Marcus needs some dagum psychiatric help!
   When Ronnie came back in Steve could tell she was upset. Jonah told him that her and Will had had a fight. Steve of course flashes back to his childhood. He hadn't had many friends when he was 12. By that time the piano had become his life. Pastor Harris had taught him to play. He also taught him that when you talk to God you talk to Him as if he is a friend. After he put Jonah to bed he stayed there and just watched Ronnie sleep for a moment. When he woke up the next morning he had the urge to play the piano. He sat at the kitchen table and pretended he had a piano in front of him and he started playing. He got lost and he decided to go for a walk and talk to God. So I think Steve should uncover the piano and play again. Maybe that's just me.

Parte 7 (Chapter 12)

Turtle Nest
   When she first woke up her back hurt. She couldn't imagine why anyone on this earth with a perfectly good bed would choose to sleep outside. She was awake again at dawn. She slowly started to get up and she thought about Blaze and what she had done. I wouldn't dare be thinking about her. She disgusts me. Ronnie remembered she had been arrested for shoplifting. She took all of her stuff back in so the neighbors wouldn't wonder why she had slept outside. She realized she had left her book outside and when she got out there she noticed a man poking around. When she recognized him she was tongue tied. Cute! It was Will. The volleyball player. Turns out he volunteers at the aquarium. He was there to mark the nest. After they chatted for a while she got the feeling that he was trying to flirt with her. After breakfast she took a nap and then she went to look for Blaze. Ronnie found her and tried talking to her but she denied everything. Oh my gahhh. She's such a witch! Ronnie was just walking when she saw Marcus. He tried to convince her that he could fix everything and she was like oh heck nah breh. You sketch and she ran away from him. Her dad asked her how it went and she lied and told him that she didn't find Blaze. After dinner and family activities, she went to the bedroom she shared with Jonah and sat down on her bed. She looked out the window and she saw a raccoon around the nest. She ran outside and made the raccoon go away.

Part 6 (Chapters 10-11)

Music Store
   Ronnie was at Bowers Point with the group of misfits. They were all drinking while Ronnie was still sober. Ronnie decided that she didn't really like Marcus and she didn't trust him! Good. She's a smart girl! Ronnie was standing at the waters edge when Marcus joined her. He attempted to talked to her but she kind of just blew him off. He made a scene when she walked off and made it seem like she had tried to sneak off with him by herself. What a jerk face. He's so rude and disgusting. When she got home her dad asked her if she was alright and told her that there was food in the refrigerator for her and that was all. My parents would flipped on me if  I had come dragging in at 2 in the morning. The next morning the sun woke her up again at 8:00. She realized that she needed to talk to Blaze about what had happened last night so she got up. Her dad asked her if they could talk about it and she blew him off too. She left and went to find Blaze. Blaze was at the music store that was downtown. As she approached her, Blaze gathered up the CD's she had been listening to and turned down the music on the headphones so she could here Ronnie. She had been expecting her. Ronnie tried to talk some sense into Blaze and she just stuck up for Marcus. As she left she dropped the CD's she had been holding into Ronnie's purse without her knowing. Ronnie was leaving when the censors went off and the manager asked to look into her purse and he found the CD's. He told her the police were already on their way. What a mean child?!? Who would actually do something like that!

    Since Ronnie had gotten angry at him and told him to hide the piano, Steve went and bought plywood and hid the piano. After that he and Jonah ate lunch and went and flew kites. While Jonah flew his kite, Steve started to think about his childhood again. He didn't have a bad childhood. His parents just weren't fun. He was taken care of and that's about it. Steve noticed the faint lines of a loggerhead turtles tracks and he took Jonah to see the nest that she had laid. Then he heard the phone ring. It was Ronnie on the other end telling him that she needed to be picked up at the police station. Officer Johnson explained what had happened and Ronnie was let go. On the way home Ronnie told her dad it wasn't her and he believed her. When they got home it was almost dark and Steve had gone outside to the nest. Ronnie followed him and asked him about the nest. He explained everything to her and they had a good father/daughter conversation. He called the aquarium and they were coming out the next day to solve the problem of the racoons. Ronnie decided to sleep outside to protect the nest. Steve was worried but it was unlikely that anybody would see her. . Awww. Finally bonding. I'm excited!

Part 5 (Chapters 8-9)

   Blaze took Ronnie to a local little dinner downtown. Blaze ordered her food and Ronnie was tempted to order too but since she was a vegetarian she wasn't sure she could if the oil they used was ok. They talked about the worst things they had ever done and Ronnie told her about getting arrested for shoplifting in New York. Then Marcus and his pose showed up (Teddy and Lance). Marcus sat down with Ronnie...creeper!!! The 3 of them ate Blaze's food and she didn't say one word to them. Man I would have ended all 3 of them. Lance and Teddy's parents owns the motel that Marcus lives at. Blaze stays with him too. Like get a job for real. Marcus invites Ronnie to a party at Bowers Point...he's the weirdest guy ever. I would have already dropped him. Ew.
Beach home porch
   While Ronnie is gone, Steve and Jonah spent the day together just chilling out. Steve's father was a very boring and plain man. He did things by the book and never really varied from his normal I seeing a trend between that and Dear John? Hmmm interesting. He then began thinking about when he and Kim were having marriage problems and how they went to a counselor and he thought about his relationship with his father. When it was 1 o'clock and Ronnie was not yet home he went outside to think and he felt empty. Sounds like he has daddy issues to me. It also sounds like he needs to try to have a better relationship with Ronnie.