Monday, September 13, 2010

Intro into The Last Song

So let me start off by saying that having Miley Cyrus on the front cover of this book may have not been the best idea ever. Her atrocious acting may say something about this book...I really hope not. This book will probably be like every other book Nicholas Sparks has ever written. Summer love at the beach, parent get sick and dies, one true love leaves, a bunch of life changing events happen, and true love comes I correct in saying this? Probably. I'm 99.9% sure that all of his books are the same. I don't know if The Last Song will be the same or not so I guess this will be an adventure...for everyone.


  1. ^^^^Couldnt be said any better! (:

  2. Lets start off saying that I LOVE Miley Cyrus, but I havent seen the movie.
    This book sounds really interesting, keep me posted.

  3. Hahaha. Miley Cyrus does equal epic fail. She sucks butt.

  4. i agree i think that dakota faning should have been used instead.

  5. so i LOVEEE the book more then i did the movie. there was WaY more interesting details that made me read the whole book in one day (: i cant wait to know your opinion!

  6. okay so Hannah/Miley is interesting, i have not read this because it is HUGE. Im actually curious about how this is going to pan out.
